No Man's Sky recreation
In a digital skills session at college we had to recreate the No Man’s Sky concept art. I did it by setting the background colour to a similar blue. Then I found a moon from the Internet and placed in the middle of the composition then I set it screen. This created the white appearance the moon has. To create the mountains I used the polygonal tool to create the back mountains and then I filled them in with a pink red. I used the burn tool to create shadows on the mountains and I used the dodge tool to create light. To create the more dark and detailed mountains I used the polygonal lasso to create the shape and then filled it in with a dark red. Then I created another layer above it and added a rock texture too it. Then I cut round the mountain and set it to overlay. To create the diamond ant the shape inside the diamond I used Cinema 4D. To create the shape I added a sphere then dropped the sphere inside a displacer. I set the displacer to simple turbulence and it creates the spikes around the shape. To create the diamond I used the inner extrude tool and the extrude tool on a cube.